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Back More ways to get Technical Requests underway and under resolution

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Technical Request service offers improved features for better visibility
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Airbus Helicopters is continuously improving its Technical Request service with new features to get requests underway and under resolution, thus enhancing the usability and mobility of this service.

●    Share Technical Events (TE) with another company through AirbusWorld platform
AirbusWorld users can now communicate more transparently and more easily with other stakeholders (e.g. secondary company, service centre, CAMO, etc.) and get better visibility in real time on TEs; both companies can communicate with Airbus Helicopters Technical Support and upload attachment files.

●    Offline mode now accessible in the mobile application
To consult a technical request without an internet connection, customers are advised to remember to load the TE that they will need before going offline.

●    Create a TE directly through an O.R.I.O.N note and eDTS (Dynamic troubleshooting)
As a time-saving and effortless improvement, customers can now easily and automatically transform the following into a Technical Request:
     -    a note created under the O.R.I.O.N. viewer
     -    an unsolved troubleshooting result in the eDTS service.
These new TEs can then be directly managed in the Technical Request service; this improves information sharing through an integrated process, with all technical requests centralised under the Technical Request service.
A video tutorial is available through


Thanks to these new features, customer expectations are being answered on a progressive basis. Airbus Helicopters is intent on providing the right solution and is continuously improving its level of service through more simple, integrated and digitalised processes for a better user experience.


Access the mobile Technical Request application through the link and install it on your device by using “Add to Home Screen” function. This user-friendly app is compatible with Android and iOS and with all types of device. A user guide is available on the AirbusWorld collaborative platform.

For more information, please contact a Sales Manager or contact Airbus Helicopters.


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